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Product Description

Plum is a deep purple type shade

 Kenanthrol acid milling dyes
are suitable dyes for
fleece, wool, silk and other protein fibres. These dyes
require a hot acidic dye bath for the dye to bond with the
fibre. All the colours are intermixable so you can blend
your own colours with just the four basic mixer colours,
Claret-magenta,mid-blue, yellow and black. (CYMK mixing colours)
(The black is a blue black and if watered down will be
a blue shade and not grey)

Here is a link to the basic instructions

These dyes can be used either on the stove top or
in a microwave oven and we provide instructions for both.
(Please note that if you are dyeing whole garments, the
microwave method is not suitable as a microwave bowl is
not large enough to allow a whole garment to float freely.)
The amount of dye required depends on the weight of fabric
and also the colour. (Black needs more than the other colours
to reach a deep shade.)

Please be aware that these are great dyes but as a supplier
we can not guarantee the results. We have been using these
as our dyes of choice for a number of years but they are
used in many different situations and on different materials
that may have their own requirements.
This means that the results can be uncertain if there are
contaminents and coatings on your wool or fabric. If you
have a specific project and you are new to dyeing it is
advisable that you look for further information on the
internet about acid dyes on preparing your fabric. You can
also email us for extra information and we are very happy
to help you where we can.

Approximate measurements-:
Pale shades 0.5gms per 100gms fabric
Medium shades 1gms per 100gms fabric
Dark shades 2gms per 100gms fabric
Very dark to black 4gs per 100gms fabric

The shade you get is dependant on what colour
and fabric you are dyeing on to and the strength
of the dye in your recipe

You need to fix these dyes with either ammonium sulphate
or you can use household vinegar as a fixative.



Customer Reviews

Plum kenanthrol acid milling dye 25g

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